On the other hand, the few discussions that I inserted myself into in the last few weeks have exploded! This one: here has 16 replies and 85 views about K-12 Virtual Learning. I seem to be one of few self-proclaimed "experts" on the subject, and all I know is what I have learned about TPLC!
Several participants have experience in K-12 online learning, but they have not shared their experiences yet. I joined the discussion hopeful that others with successes AND failures would share. So far, I've not learned much from others, but they seem to be great resources for my future learning. I hope to steer the conversation away from my school and toward others' schools. It's fun to talk about myself, but I want to learn from others too.
In the process of explaining how and why things work at TPLC, I have been able to examine my own knowledge and thoughts. It has been a good ride this week, in my own head, but I'm ready to hear from other people.